We want our videos to be seen by as many people as possible, but in order to do this we need your help. There are a number of ways you can help to promote our videos, and some of them will even make you money!!! Here are a few ways you can help us out:1. Add our videos or links to them on your blog. Most of our blog posts include the code you need, just copy and past it into your own blog posts. If you sign up for a Revver account you will get a commission.2. Place a widget into the sidebar of your blog. Just copy and past the widget code below and every time we release a new video it will automatically update on your blog. If you sign up for a Revver account you will get a commission.<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">//<![CDATA[
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3. You can also vote for our videos on The Video Awards, Popcurrent, and Videobomb. Some of these sites may require a membership to vote.4. You can even add our videos to your facebook, just add the vodpod application then grab our videos from the Revver site.5. And lastly you can subscribe to our podcast so that you get our newest videos as soon as they are released. Just go to the podcast section of our blog to subscribe.Thanks for taking the time to help us out!!!The BWC Team.